Supporta ESO Logs e ottieni l'accesso a questi benefici abbonandoti oggi.
- Ad-free viewing across all areas of the site, including within our uploader applications.
- Your uploaded reports get processed quickly in a separate subscribers-only queue. (Note: Estimated ranks are still subject to change as those are calculated once per day)
- Set yourself apart with a Silver Discord Role!
$2 al mese
- Tutte le Silver ricompense.
- Glam up your character profile with a custom banner.
- Gain access to the Logs Archive, allowing you to view logs that are more than 2 years old.
- API limit increased to 9,000 points per hour.
- Set yourself apart with a Gold Discord Role!
$5 al mese
- Tutte le Gold ricompense.
- API limit further increased to 18,000 points per hour.
- Glam up your guild profile with a custom banner.
- Combine several days' worth of reports into a single one and analyze all these pulls at once with Multiple Report Analysis.
- Set yourself apart with a Platinum Discord Role!
- All reports in your guild will be processed in a separate (and lightning-fast) subscribers-only queue.
- All users in your guild will gain access to archived guild reports.
$10 al mese
- Tutte le Platinum ricompense.
- Early access to future product releases!
- Early access to Report Components, our powerful code-based analysis tool.
- Set yourself apart with a special Discord role and gain access to exclusive Discord channels!
$25 al mese